Friday, December 18, 2009

Amplifiers Earthquake Of San Francisco For Sale My Sub Cuts Out After About 20 Minutes Of Pumping The Sounds!!?!?!?

My sub cuts out after about 20 minutes of pumping the sounds!!?!?!? - amplifiers earthquake of san francisco for sale

As mentioned in my last two questions in my Pioneer is lower than lose too much energy and begins to play sh * t.

my amp, Earthquake sub, and my front speakers.
The front speakers do not cut or anything, so I have something wrong with the subtitle.
However, I tested this by the subwoofer in the car with my friends and I have the same thing!

therefore assume that the amplifier? But here is the front speakers go well ...

So you think driving the wire from the amp to the sub-committee and the RCA cables to the front of the amplifier, the amplifier or perhaps put too much power to the sub - committee and overheating? Please help! it is really boring!

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