Saturday, December 12, 2009

Is A Lot Of Mucous Normal Right Before Your Expected Period 34 Weeks Pregnant, Is All This Normal?

34 weeks pregnant, is all this normal? - is a lot of mucous normal right before your expected period

34 weeks pregnant, I had irregular contractions, because the game is not particularly painful, but somewhat painful. On Sunday, filtered through two pairs of underwear, I thought it drips, but it was not my bag of water. In addition, there was a lot of mucus on Sunday. Yeserday (Monday) I started stabbing pain in the groin, I felt like a pulled muscle there (or was) for riding or something like that. When I went to bed, my back began to cramp badly every few minutes, but then left and went to bed. Today I woke up and feel like I can barely walk, her hips as much damage. Even irregular contractions, others come often, but not regularly. The baby has not as active as ever, but I read that this is normal for this time of pregnancy. Beyond that I'm wrong, back, thighs, hips, groin, so that today, I see my doctor, but wanted to inform the other before the departure.

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