Saturday, February 27, 2010

How Long Before I Can Travel After Acl Repair How Long Before I Can Get The Good CCs After BK?

How long before I can get the good CCs after BK? - how long before i can travel after acl repair

I broke about 3 years after a costly divorce, custody and control of the time. I was rebuilding my credit card - I have three letters (of companies making loans is the result - WaMu, HSBC, Capital One) with the limits for a total of about $ 23,000 and $ 0, all credit card as a single use of gas and works of travel expenses and paid monthly. My FICO score is to 689 - this is not great, but I have to be rebuilt. My income is 15% above the national level, but I went for good cards, like Citibank, which has removed miles / points for the price of the hotel. You do not have a policy on the cards in order to provide people from BK or X years I was my FICO score higher?
I just want the best reward cards, because they do not want to spend more thanI pay every month.

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