Sunday, January 17, 2010

Camp Pulse Helmet I Cant Beat The Pokemon League On Pearl I Got To The Camp.?

I cant beat the pokemon league on pearl I got to the camp.? - camp pulse helmet

I think of a good team have to get something good or bad their good help.

One is Infernape Lv.50
Conference Call

Then Torterra Lv.37
Leech Seed

Then Gyarados Lv.49
Aqua Tail
Hydraulic Pump
Hyper Beam

After Empoleon Lv.48
Aqua Jet

Now I use Dialga Lv. 50
Metal Claw
Dragon Claw
Rush of time

Day, Palkia Lv.58
Water Pulse
Pulse dragon
Dragon Claw
during space

I know it needs some work, but if you tell me what trade policy measures for training or if it would be great.


diabloss... said...

Let me guess, u one friend with another game that you gave Thies? nm u use wifi or not. good team, or just need to lvl and kill all the Dialga and Palkia for the champion, and the use of dragon attacks. LVL try lvl60 ish, or to cheat and use an Action Replay. Remember, this is not cheating, has improved his game.

videogam... said...

This is a perfect swarm! 1 single problem, or lv. em all until at least lv. 60 wat I used to do more training runs for 1 and pokemon in the battle against the Elite 4, only 1 to lose Ull, exercise but still unbelievable to me and i beet the hole Emerald Elite 4 with only a lv. 100 Blaziken

Jasmine P said...

Link is a good team

but I'm the girl that is my game of a disorderly man at the bar of the city put the Jubilee, and my Action Replay does not work !!!!! thats whats dirty!

samnav33... said...

U should too
show that each of the Pokemon learn attacks and displays at the bottom, what kind of Pokemon is your strength.

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