Saturday, January 16, 2010

Extinguisher Signs In The 90s A Company Made A Hurricane Extinguisher. What Would Be The Side-effects Of Dissolving A Hurricane?

In the 90s a company made a hurricane extinguisher. What would be the side-effects of dissolving a hurricane? - extinguisher signs

His preliminary information has been published in at least 2 magazines with national circulation of U.S. science. An Internet search showed many similar products in development.

The company was not on the NOAA and other organizations that commissioned "allowed" to test their hurricane dissolution of the gel. The company issued a statement saying the organization had no international law to the waters.

Obviously not all sites, but this year is worse than last year, said analysts, but everyone has paid a tropical depression. "I'm not saying this happens now wondering which character they want.

When someone (or have already tried), what are the short-term weather worldwide?

Scientists at the time, I encourage you to take


kevpet20... said...

Hurricanes are heat engines, which is in turn the heat on other types of energy. You open the natural way to correct any imbalance. If the tropical oceans are heated hurricanes spawn the energy into heat. When a hurricane could break off the correction to the action and let the heat in the ocean are only in warmer dissapate.

kevpet20... said...

Hurricanes are heat engines, which is in turn the heat on other types of energy. You open the natural way to correct any imbalance. If the tropical oceans are heated hurricanes spawn the energy into heat. When a hurricane could break off the correction to the action and let the heat in the ocean are only in warmer dissapate.

♥ Krista ♥ said...

Well, then, that the Earth cooled down, resulting in global warming and entertaining habitats of tropical lush tropical jungle like nature, because we need the precipitation of hurricanes.
Hurricanes are for keeping the tropical paradise it is now well. Help Flood.
Katrina dragged his feet because the local government and not by the hurricane. The dams were built with waste, and the Govt has not done squat to help these people immediately.
Source: spent some time studying the weather, and was organizer of the museum, guided tours and not related to hurricanes and climate.

Linnie said...

I doubt that someone is strong enough to take it too seriously /

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