Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cystitis In Cats And Antidepressants Cats With Cystitis/bladder Stones?

Cats with cystitis/bladder stones? - cystitis in cats and antidepressants

Today was bleeding a little deeper, so he took her to vets, whose battle against antibiotics and painkillers, and I must get back within two weeks, because otherwise their bladder stones bladder infections, bladder stones when told they had to operate.
but my sister was a nursing assistant in a vets and he said he was unlikely to act in a bubble of cats and would probably vote

Has anyone ever surgery on your cat's stones in the bladder? or can I more? : (


grinninh said...

Much can, your cat will be done.
Therapuetic diets available to maintain the pH of urine and dissolve the stones / Cystal.
If your cat has a large stone can be removed without surgery.
Other things you can add to the diet of cats Cosequin and Omega.
Cosequin reduces inflammation and lubricates the bladder wall.
The omega-fatty acids interfere with the inflammatory way Malaise

Your cat can be treated and euthanasia is not in your future, if the advice of veterinarians.
Your sister is wrong, because everything is now time to remove bladder stones cut from the bladder of cats!

grinninh said...

Much can, your cat will be done.
Therapuetic diets available to maintain the pH of urine and dissolve the stones / Cystal.
If your cat has a large stone can be removed without surgery.
Other things you can add to the diet of cats Cosequin and Omega.
Cosequin reduces inflammation and lubricates the bladder wall.
The omega-fatty acids interfere with the inflammatory way Malaise

Your cat can be treated and euthanasia is not in your future, if the advice of veterinarians.
Your sister is wrong, because everything is now time to remove bladder stones cut from the bladder of cats!

hudsongr... said...

My cat had so many stones in the gallbladder is like sand. They work and turned out everything that solved the problem.

Yes, they do not function in cats with this condition and does not contribute significantly. You have done for us in 2007. Your sister is in human medicine, is not a veterinarian and does not depend on veterinarians, what they do, as it seems.

ratlover... said...

I personally have not had any cat who needed surgery for bladder stones, but it is quite common. Bladder incision (cutting into the bladder) is actually quite common. I do not see why not a veterinarian, unless the cat is very old or very sick. If she is otherwise healthy, should not be a problem. All types of operation is performed in dogs and cats, at least here in the United States. A cystostomy is fairly simple compared to something like a total hip replacement or kidney transplant. It is expected that only uncomplicated cystitis and rinse well, but otherwise I'm sure the surgery is done and your cat will be demonstrated fine.
Good luck to you and your cat.

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